The goal of architecture is of general interest.
To work for the good of the population with great thought
given to the comfort of living and the art of better building.
The goal of architecture is of general interest.
To work for the good of the population with great thought give
n to the comfort of living and the art of better building.
We see architecture as a natural extension of the landscape, erasing the boundaries between landscape, land art and architecture. Architecture it is as a point of harmony and symbiosis between man and nature.
We have developed a concept of “Augmented Nature”. The principle is to reconcile nature and human activity, in an intelligent, responsible and symbiotic development for the benefit and more comfort of habitants and users.
This multidisciplinary approach works on optimizing the carbon footprint of buildings both during its construction and use. It also works on the notion of limit. Limit that we try to expand to make it habitable “neither inside nor outside”, “neither built nor natural” and thus create a continuity between the desire of freedom that pushes us to live outside and our need of security that pushes us inside.
All our projects are studied according to this concept, which aims to establish a harmony between the project and its environment. First in terms of landscape integration and after in terms of resource and energy management. Water recovery, energy production, permaculture. But the best energy remains the energy that is not consumed!
Thus, inspired by vernacular architecture, we work with the energies already present on the site (ventilation, hydrology, vegetation) and the laws of basic physics (evaporation, humidity, convective ventilation, thermal inertia). Projects that capture and harness these forces, generate microclimates that make construction pleasant in all seasons. As a consequence, buildings are able to naturally regulate their temperature or hydrometry rate to become comfortable. We work upstream of our energy needs without depriving ourselves of the technology offered by our times, using it intelligently and responsibly. More grey matter less grey energy!
Yannick & Jérémie

We see architecture as a natural extension of the landscape, erasing the boundaries between landscape, land art and architecture. Architecture it is as a point of harmony and symbiosis between man and nature.
We have developed a concept of “Augmented Nature”. The principle is to reconcile nature and human activity, in an intelligent, responsible and symbiotic development for the benefit and more comfort of habitants and users.
This multidisciplinary approach works on optimizing the carbon footprint of buildings both during its construction and use. It also works on the notion of limit. Limit that we try to expand to make it habitable “neither inside nor outside”, “neither built nor natural” and thus create a continuity between the desire of freedom that pushes us to live outside and our need of security that pushes us inside.
All our projects are studied according to this concept, which aims to establish a harmony between the project and its environment. First in terms of landscape integration and after in terms of resource and energy management. Water recovery, energy production, permaculture. But the best energy remains the energy that is not consumed!
Thus, inspired by vernacular architecture, we work with the energies already present on the site (ventilation, hydrology, vegetation) and the laws of basic physics (evaporation, humidity, convective ventilation, thermal inertia). Projects that capture and harness these forces, generate microclimates that make construction pleasant in all seasons. As a consequence, buildings are able to naturally regulate their temperature or hydrometry rate to become comfortable. We work upstream of our energy needs without depriving ourselves of the technology offered by our times, using it intelligently and responsibly. More grey matter less grey energy!
Yannick & Jérémie